Das Skript change-ip.sh ändert die IP-Adresse der UCware-Konfiguration. Die Systemkonfiguration (/etc/interfaces
) bleibt dabei unangestastet.
chmod +x change-ip.sh
sudo ./change-ip.sh
Das Skript fragt jetzt dialoggesteuert nach der neuen IP-Adresse und konfiguriert anschließend die UCWare um.
Um auch die reale IP-Adresse der UCware zu ändern, muss die Datei /etc/network/interfaces
noch manuell angepasst werden.
Die Netzwerkeinstellungen in der /etc/network/interfaces
ändern und mit ifdown eth0; ifup eth1
aktivieren. Wird anschließend change-ip.sh
gestatrtet, wird die aktuelle IP-Adresse automatisch vorgeschlagen.
#!/bin/bash export LANG="C" LOGFILE="/var/log/ipinstaller.log" # handle ctrl+c / cancel function handle_exit() { if [[ $1 -ne 0 ]]; then export DIALOGRC export DIALOGOPTS='--backtitle "IPinstaller" --title "Error"' dialog --msgbox "IPinstaller was interrupted!" 8 40 clear exit 1 fi } # check for root privileges [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ] || { echo "This installer needs root privileges, please re-run with sudo. Exiting."; exit 1; } apt-get install --assume-yes --quiet --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests dialog subnetcalc pwgen wget debconf-utils gzip >$LOGFILE 2>&1 # set up dialog TMPFILE=$(mktemp --quiet) DIALOGRC=$(mktemp --quiet) echo "screen_color = (WHITE,GREEN,ON)" > $DIALOGRC export DIALOGRC export DIALOGOPT#!/bin/bash export LANG="C" LOGFILE="/var/log/ipinstaller.log" # handle ctrl+c / cancel function handle_exit() { if [[ $1 -ne 0 ]]; then export DIALOGRC export DIALOGOPTS='--backtitle "IPinstaller" --title "Error"' dialog --msgbox "IPinstaller was interrupted!" 8 40 clear exit 1 fi } # check for root privileges [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ] || { echo "This installer needs root privileges, please re-run with sudo. Exiting."; exit 1; } apt-get install --assume-yes --quiet --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests dialog subnetcalc pwgen wget debconf-utils gzip >$LOGFILE 2>&1 # set up dialog TMPFILE=$(mktemp --quiet) DIALOGRC=$(mktemp --quiet) echo "screen_color = (WHITE,GREEN,ON)" > $DIALOGRC export DIALOGRC export DIALOGOPTS='--backtitle "IPinstaller"' trap "rm -f $TMPFILE $DIALOGRC" 0 1 2 5 15 # the disclaimer dialog --msgbox "This installer will configure automatically your UCware VoIP config" 8 40 # get the VoIP interface, so we can suggest its IP later INTERFACE="eth0" export DIALOGOPTS='--backtitle "UCware installer" --title "Network configuration"' dialog --inputbox "Please enter the name of the VoIP interface" 8 40 "$INTERFACE" 2>$TMPFILE INTERFACE=$(awk 'NR==1 {print;exit}' $TMPFILE) # basic variable initialization IP=$(ifconfig $INTERFACE | grep "inet addr" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1) NETMASK=$(ifconfig $INTERFACE | grep "inet addr" | cut -d ':' -f 4 | cut -d ' ' -f 1) NTPSERVER="0.de.pool.ntp.org" DNSSERVER="" # IP configuration, uses subnetcalc for validation and processing IPVALID=1 while [[ $IPVALID -ne 0 ]]; do dialog --separate-widget $'\n' \ --inputbox "Please enter the VoIP network IP" 8 40 "$IP" \ --inputbox "Please enter the VoIP network netmask" 8 40 "$NETMASK" 2>$TMPFILE handle_exit $? # read answers IP=$(awk 'NR==1 {print;exit}' $TMPFILE) NETMASK=$(awk 'NR==2 {print;exit}' $TMPFILE) # extrapolate router, broadcast, dhcp range SUBNETCALC=$(subnetcalc $IP $NETMASK) IPVALID=$? if [[ $IPVALID -ne 0 ]]; then dialog --title "Network configuration" --msgbox "Invalid IP configuration, please try again" 8 40 else IP=$(echo "$SUBNETCALC" | awk '/Address/ {print $3}') NETMASK=$(echo "$SUBNETCALC" | awk '/Netmask/ {print $3}') BROADCAST=$(echo "$SUBNETCALC" | awk '/Broadcast/ {print $3}') ROUTER=$(echo "$SUBNETCALC" | awk '/Host Range/ {print $5}') NET=$(echo "$SUBNETCALC" | awk '/Network/ {print $3}') DHCPMIN="${NET%.*}.100" DHCPMAX="${NET%.*}.250" fi done # Gateway and DHCP configuration dialog --title "Network configuration" --separate-widget $'\n' \ --inputbox "Please enter the VoIP network gateway IP" 8 40 "$ROUTER" \ --inputbox "Please enter the VoIP DHCP range minimum" 8 40 "$DHCPMIN" \ --inputbox "Please enter the VoIP DHCP range maximum" 8 40 "$DHCPMAX" 2>$TMPFILE handle_exit $? ROUTER=$(awk 'NR==1 {print;exit}' $TMPFILE) DHCPMIN=$(awk 'NR==2 {print;exit}' $TMPFILE) DHCPMAX=$(awk 'NR==3 {print;exit}' $TMPFILE) # present summary, ask user to confirm values dialog --title "Summary" --yesno "VoIP net address: $IP/$NETMASK Router: $ROUTER Broadcast: $BROADCAST DHCP range: $DHCPMIN - $DHCPMAX This UCware server will be configured using those settings, proceed?" 18 50 PROCEED=$? if [[ "$PROCEED" -ne 0 ]]; then dialog --title "Error" --msgbox "Not continuing due to user abort." 8 40 clear exit 1 fi export DIALOGOPTS='--backtitle "IPinstaller" --title "Installation in progress"' dialog --infobox "Configuring ip configs ..." 8 40 DBPW=$(/opt/ucware/sbin/gs-get-conf DB_MASTER_PWD) DBUSER=$(/opt/ucware/sbin/gs-get-conf DB_MASTER_USER) mysql --user=$DBUSER --password=$DBPW <<< "USE \`asterisk\`; UPDATE \`hosts\` SET \`host\`='$IP' WHERE \`id\`='1';" OLDINTERFACE=$(awk '/INTERFACES=/ {print}' /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server | cut -d '"' -f2) OLDNETMASK=$(awk '/netmask/ {print $3 " " $4}' /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf) zcat /usr/share/doc/ucware-core/misc/dhcpd-3-example.conf.gz > /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf sed --in-place "s/$IP/" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf sed --in-place "s/broadcast-address $BROADCAST/" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf sed --in-place "s/routers $ROUTER/" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf sed --in-place "s/domain-name-servers $IP/" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf sed --in-place "s/subnet-mask $NETMASK/" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf sed --in-place "s/netmask $NETMASK/" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf sed --in-place "s/subnet $NET/" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf sed --in-place "s/range $DHCPMIN $DHCPMAX/" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf sed --in-place "s/[[:space:]]*range;//" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf sed -i "s/INTERFACES=\"$OLDINTERFACE\"/INTERFACES=\"$INTERFACE\"/" /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server OLDPROVHOST=$(awk -F '$' '/PROV_HOST/ {print $2; exit;}' /etc/ucware/ucware.php) OLDNTPSERVER=$(awk -F '$' '/NTP_SERVER/ {print $2;}' /etc/ucware/ucware.php) OLDBUTTONDAEMONHOST=$(awk -F '$' '/BUTTONDAEMON_HOST/ {print $2; exit;}' /etc/ucware/ucware.php)S sed --in-place "s/$OLDPROVHOST/PROV_HOST = '$IP';/" /etc/ucware/ucware.php sed --in-place "s/$OLDNTPSERVER/NTP_SERVER = '$IP';/" /etc/ucware/ucware.php sed --in-place "s/$OLDBUTTONDAEMONHOST/BUTTONDAEMON_HOST = '$IP';/" /etc/ucware/ucware.php PERMIT=$() sed --in-place "s|permit[\s]*=[\s]*$OLDPROVHOST/$OLDNETMASK|permit = $NET/$NETMASK|" /etc/ucware/asterisk/manager.conf.d-available/ucwared.conf sed --in-place "s/$OLDPROVHOST/$IP/" /opt/ucwared/ucwared.conf echo "VoIP net interface: $INTERFACE VoIP net address: $IP/$NETMASK Router: $ROUTER DHCP range: $DHCPMIN - $DHCPMAX SQL password for ucware: $SQLPASS SQL password for root: $SQLROOTPASS UCware package user: $UCUSER UCware package password: $UCPASS NTP server: $NTPSERVER DNS server: $DNSSERVER" > /var/log/ucware/choices.log service isc-dhcp-server restart service asterisk restart service ucwared restart