Release 6.1

Anmerkungen zum Release

Bei älteren Versionen des Abrechnungsdienstes auf UCware 6.1 trat ein Fehler auf, der das Schreiben neuer Einträge verhindert hat. Dieser Fehler ist mit dem Quellpaket ucware-services in der Version 6.1.2 behoben. Ein nachträgliches Erstellen von fehlenden Abrechnungseinträgen ist automatisiert leider nicht möglich. Bei Bedarf können die Daten der fehlenden Einträge in einem halbautomatischen Prozess durch den Support aus anderen Datenbanktabellen der UCware größtenteils extrahiert werden.


Um Inkonsistenzen zu beheben, wurden die Parameter einiger API-Methoden geändert, so dass alle Objekte über ihre numerische ID identifiziert werden. Da diese Änderungen nicht abwärtskompatibel sind, ist die API ab jetzt unter dem Pfad /api/2/ zu finden. Bis zur nächsten Hauptversion steht die alte API in einem getrennten Paket (ucware-api-legacy) weiterhin auf dem gewohnten Pfad (/ucware/api/) zur Verfügung. Zusätzlich ist diese Version unter /api/1/ erreichbar.

Vereinheitlichte Klingeltöne

Für den UCC-Client und die Tischtelefone von Snom und Yealink ersetzen neue, einheitliche Klingeltöne die bisherigen. Der in der Rufnummernkonfiguration gewählte Klingelton wird von allen unterstützten Geräten abgespielt. Das alte Verhalten der Tischtelefone kann durch das Deaktivieren der Konfigurationsoption UNIFIED_RINGTONES wiederhergestellt werden.

Basis-Unterstützung für Cisco 8841 & 7841

Um eine Migration zu vereinfachen, unterstützt die UCware 6.1 das Anbinden ausgewählter Cisco-Tischtelefone mit eingeschränkten Funktionsumfang. Zur Nutzung ist eine gesonderte Lizenz notwendig. Die weiteren Voraussetzungen und Details zur Einrichtung sind im Handbuch dokumentiert.

Lizenzanforderungen für Openstage-Basis-Unterstützung

Analog zur Cisco-Unterstützung ist auch für Openstage-Geräte ab dieser Version eine gesonderte Lizenz erforderlich. Bei Fragen zur Lizenzierung ist Ihnen der Vertrieb gerne behilflich.

Aktualisierung von Kernkomponenten

Neben den normalen Aktualisierungen von Funktionsbibliotheken kommen mit dem Update auf UCware 6.1 die Komponenten Asterisk (v20) und rtpengine (v12) jetzt in neuen Hauptversionen zum Einsatz.

Neue Endgeräte

UCware 6.1 bringt Unterstützung für die Tischtelefone Yealink CP 965 und Snom D140, D150, D862 und D865 sowie für das Headset Yealink WH66 mit.

Hintergrundbeleuchtung für Tischtelefone

In den Slot-Optionen kann für Tischtelefone die gewünschte Helligkeit der Hintergrundbeleuchtung und das Abdunklungsverhalten konfiguriert werden.

Gruppentagging im Adminclient

Um das Verwalten von Gruppen bei großen Installationen einfacher zu gestalten, können Gruppen jetzt mit Tags versehen werden, die natürlich auch zum Filtern der Gruppenliste im Admin-Client genutzt werden können.

Neue Eventinfrastruktur

Der Admin-Client hält ab Version 6.1 eine dauerhafte Verbindung zur UCware offen. Über diese sendet die Anlage Benachrichtigungen über Änderungen, die an anderer Stelle vorgenommen worden. Dadurch kann der Admin-Client diese Änderungen direkt anzeigen und auf Konflikte beim gleichzeitigen Editieren hinweisen.


Die UCware-App für Android und iOS steht jetzt offiziell im Play Store bzw. App Store zur Verfügung. Mit ihr können Anrufe mit dem Mobiltelefon angenommen und getätigt werden. Mehr Details und Informationen zur Konfiguration finden sich im Handbuch.

Mailbenachrichtigungen für verpasste Anrufe

Auf Wunsch kann die UCware entweder direkt nach dem Anruf oder als tägliche Zusammenfassung Benachrichtigungen für verpasste Anrufe als Mail versenden.

Validierung von Rufumleitungszielen

Bei Bedarf können die für Nutzerinnen und Nutzer erlaubten Rufumleitungsziele administrativ eingeschränkt werden. Details zur Konfiguration sind im Handbuch zu finden.

Handhabung alter Firmwareversionen

Tischtelefone von Snom und Yealink, die mit einer alten Firmwareversion Provisionierungsanfragen stellen, werden zunächst auf die konfigurierte Firmware aktualisiert, bevor Einstellungen gesetzt werden.

Zeitgesteuertes DND

Im UCC-Client kann jetzt DND optional für einen bestimmten Zeitraum aktiviert werden. Nach Ablauf der Zeit wird DND automatisch deaktiviert.

Neues Widget "Verfügbare Updates"

Im Admin-Client zeigt ein neues Widget die Versionen der aktuell installierten UCware-Pakete an und sucht auf Wunsch nach verfügbaren Aktualisierungen.

Änderungen an der Kamailio-Konfiguration

Im Zuge der Überarbeitung der Verschlüsselungshandhabung wurde das Template für die Kamailio-Konfiguration stark überarbeitet. Templates von UCware 6.0 können nicht weiterverwendet werden. Weiterhin notwendige Anpassungen müssen manuell übernommen werden.

Rufumleitungsanzeige auf Snom-Tischtelefonen

Auf Tischtelefonen von Snom werden jetzt ähnlich wie bei aktiviertem DND Details zum aktiven Rufumleitungsprofil angezeigt.

Release 2024-05-27

UCware Server

Version 6.1.7

  • Fix default registration timer handling in kamailio template
  • Tweak Kamailio contact expiration timers
  • Improve call forward profile retrieval performance
  • Optimize voicemail processing
  • Speed up voicemail retrieval
  • Enforce strict LDAP timeout for authentication
  • Disable IPv6 for firebase connections
  • Disable US number format on Snom D860 phones
  • Fix SRTP encryption settings for Openstage CP700 phones
  • Use internal caller ID for app to app calls
  • Prevent unnecessary To-Domain rewrites
  • Move calljournal cleanup to separate service
  • Improve extension ORM performance
  • Add logout script
  • Improve device ORM performance

Build date: Mon, 27 May 2024 10:52:35 +0200

UCware Clients

Version 6.1.8

  • Fix saving of extended CFPs

Build date: Wed, 29 May 2024 16:23:13 +0200

Version 6.1.7

  • Add support for Poly Blackwire 3310 & 3320
  • Fix duplicate audio in conferences (#24650)
  • Play sound for conference participants on start (#24658)
  • Remove volume lock toggle from slots without volume support (#24321)
  • Change maximum target length for CFP inputs (#24133)
  • Make dismissing the slot banner extra explicit
  • Fix selection of starred numbers in search (#24855)

Build date: Mon, 27 May 2024 10:23:52 +0200

Native UCware Clients

Version 6.1.1

  • Fixes for Ubuntu Noble
  • Update Electron to 30.0.6

Build date: Mon, 27 May 2024 10:21:05 +0200

UCware Daemon

Version 6.1.4

  • Speed up loading of new extensions
  • Adjust log level for AMI ouput
  • Remove legacy sqlite support
  • Fix UCC client backend assignment

Build date: Mon, 27 May 2024 10:23:13 +0200


Version 1:20.2.0+~cs6.13.40431413-ucware5

  • Disable OPUS PLC patch

Build date: Tue, 19 Mar 2024 16:29:27 +0100

UCware Services

Version 6.1.6

  • Fix unresolved reference in app status update
  • Defer group member cache update
  • Prevent errors in case of mismatching IPs
  • Improve websocket error handling during connection establishment
  • Improve websocket write error handling

Build date: Mon, 27 May 2024 10:21:53 +0200

Version 6.1.5

  • Fix crash on 'INVALID' AMI devicestatechange event
  • Remove pbxreload service

Build date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 09:38:24 +0100

Release 2024-03-21

UCware Server

Version 6.1.6

  • Consider device-specific firmware version for update checks
  • Move hint creation into ORM classes
  • Remove dependency on ucware-services-pbxreload

Build date: Tue, 19 Mar 2024 14:37:18 +0100

UCware API

Version 6.1.4

  • Remove pbxreload service from admin/sysctl endpoint

Build date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 11:11:13 +0100

UCware Services

Version 6.1.5

  • Remove pbxreload service

Build date: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 14:49:54 +0100

Release 2024-03-13

Zur Verbesserung der Übersichtlichkeit werden ab diesem Release die Änderungslisten zuerst nach Datum und erst anschließend nach Komponente sortiert veröffentlicht.

UCware Server

Version 6.1.5

  • Fix typing of voicemail owner IDs
  • Fix parsing of queue full events for statistics (#20201)
  • Make name format handling more consistent
  • Introduce 'forwarded' state in queue call note statistics
  • Improve queue statistics handling
  • Change default media encryption to SDES for SIP UAs
  • Fix NULL handling during queue log import
  • Move SDES handling to Asterisk
  • Do not redirect callfile calls to assistants (#23655)
  • Improve support for legacy Snom devices
  • Set default timeout for Firebase requests
  • Change Firebase iOS notification type and priority
  • Show Yealink logoff entry for users with roaming permission only (#14231)
  • Fix Snom DECT multi-chain check-sync (#22795)
  • Fix internal device name generation after username change (#23332)
  • Fix CCNR on external slots (#19569)
  • Improve return URL validation in SAML auth
  • Append user language to MQTT payload when sending voicemail via email
  • Fix forwarder resolving for external (mobile) slots (#17865)

Build date: Fri, 08 Mar 2024 14:21:10 +0100

UCware Clients

Version 6.1.6

  • Strip queue name from remote caller names
  • Fix display of call number in case no local name is known (#24188)

Build date: Fri, 08 Mar 2024 14:23:18 +0100

Version 6.1.5

  • Add forwarded metric to callnote statistics
  • Fix update of hourly statistics title
  • Hide DND dialog when unlicensed or impersonating (#24109)
  • Improve video handling for queue calls (#24117)
  • Add forwarded metric to queue stats
  • Fix calculation of total average call duration
  • Improve duration display in Management Client
  • Fix continued playing of ringback tone

Build date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 10:13:48 +0100

Version 6.1.4

  • Fix muting in conferences (#23102)
  • Match chosen audio devices by name
  • Fix icon display after editing slot in adminclient
  • Allow MAC and IPEI devices to be checksynced (#23320)
  • Fix time parsing for existing calls
  • Fix selection of additional numbers in contact search (#23934)
  • Fix loading status of IPEI slots
  • Prevent cache when fetching update information (#23720)
  • Set MA id on manager softkeys (#23558)

Build date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 17:05:12 +0100

UCware API

Version 6.1.3

  • Expose local name resolver default values for UCC clients

Build date: Fri, 08 Mar 2024 14:24:16 +0100

Version 6.1.2

  • Add checksync support to admin/device API endpoint (#23319)
  • Guard checksync when updating Snom DECT chains

Build date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 17:09:18 +0100

UCware Daemon

Version 6.1.3

  • Update current call retrieval to use current session's device

Build date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 17:10:54 +0100

UCware Services

Version 6.1.4

  • Enable override templates for mailing service
  • Fix type errors in statusmonitor

Build date: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 17:18:14 +0100

Version 6.1.3

  • Use datetime objects in Jinja templates
  • Modify whitespace control for Jinja templates

Build date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 17:08:59 +0100

UCware Server

Changes since version 6.0.10:

Version 6.1.4

  • Update default ISC DHCP server configuration file (#13293)
  • Fix queue voicemail lists for Snom phones (#23674)
  • Fix voice message table creation for fresh installs

Build date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 13:33:38 +0100

Version 6.1.3

  • No longer reset server managed CFP values (#23124)
  • Fix handling of existing symlinks and parsing of PA1P FW filename
  • Fix manifest creation for new installs

Build date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 17:06:29 +0100

Version 6.1.2

  • Fix voicemail migration (#23122)
  • Improve voicemail metadata parsing (#23122)

Build date: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 09:50:43 +0100

Version 6.1.1

  • Fix ucware-health version display for missed calls notification service
  • Add –help to ucware-* scripts
  • Improve ucware-mqttlog
  • Fix Firmware::DEVICES definitions for Yealink devices (#21037)
  • Add session timer configuration to gateways
  • Replace stray send_dataevent invocation (#23123)
  • Fix deletion of call journal entries on Snom phones
  • Improve SDP handling in kamailio configuration template
  • Update ucware-api-legacy dependency from suggestion to mandatory

Build date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:44:41 +0100

Version 6.1.0

  • Add redirect from old API documentation to new URL
  • Add basic provisioning for Cisco 8841 & 7941
  • Unify ringtones for Snom and Yealink phones
  • Improve fax extension serialization performance
  • Add support for Yealink CP965
  • Enable queue calls to apps
  • Introduce Unify license check
  • Randomize administrator password for new installs
  • Add robots.txt to web root
  • Use default expiration time for gateways without set value (#20810)
  • Add generation date and version to Kamailio config template
  • Allow anonymous outgoing calls (#21036)
  • Add customizable device type icons
  • Fix firmware override for Yealink
  • Set device name as user part of caller ID (#21386)
  • Add Snom recovery link generator
  • Allow installations with disabled DHCP server
  • Promote first eligible Transport to default SIPUA or WEBRTC Transport
  • Deduplicate licenses during user serialization (#21387)
  • Add bridging information to queue pick events (#22392)
  • Add user preference for missed call notifications
  • Add config option to disable video calls globally (#20770)
  • Remove vm-rec and sys-rec directories (no longer used)
  • Include API version in URL
  • Refactor group types for more performance
  • Unify and sanitize menu strings for Snom phones
  • Split nginx configuration into IPv4 and IPv6 files
  • Add ORM classes for provisioning profile management
  • Add option to make ucware-health restart necessary services
  • Update Snom serverside quicklookup to use templates
  • Improve TLS detection for outgoing trunks
  • Add key-value store entries for CF hints
  • Use database storage backend for voicemails (#19746)
  • Update to Asterisk 20
  • Allow leading zeros for extensions
  • Add BT menu entry to capable Snom phones
  • Fix transport uniqueness constraints
  • Fix duplicate Snom DECT handset handling
  • Add optional expiry for DND entries (#21041)
  • Add missing Snom phones to legacy UI
  • Introduce transport ORM object cache
  • Improve user serialization performance (#20502)
  • Fix queue calls to slots without an extension (#19389)
  • Add SRV lookup option to gateway ORM objects
  • Tweak kamailio DNS settings to improve SRV record handling
  • Add missing Snom phones to legacy UI
  • Remove obsolete default transport settings
  • Handle RTP encryption in rtpengine
  • Fix snom phone menu for devices without users
  • Disable apport reports for asterisk and kamailio
  • Fix provisioning profile overrides for Snom phones
  • Always allow empty actions for call forwards
  • Only allow active routes to be included in routing test results (#20880)
  • Enable logging of SSL errors for https-alt locations
  • Add CF target validation (#20573)
  • Introduce default transports for WebRTC and SIP slots (#20758)
  • Set default RTP timeout to 600 seconds
  • Let kamailio handle keepalive packets
  • Increase stasis maximum threadpool size to 5000
  • Re-introduce „mute“ softkey function for Snom D305/D315 (#14053)
  • Set gateway RTP keepalive default value to 0 (#20730)
  • Add backlight attributes to slot class (#20775)
  • Load kamailio sipdump module by default (#20554)
  • Mark Yealink T4xG/P phones as EOL
  • Add support for Snom D140/D150 (#20749)
  • Only provision firmware settings to new devices with old firmware versions (#20678)
  • Introduce automatic MySQL statement caching
  • Improve slot serialization performance
  • Fix hangup notifications for the app (#20744)
  • Fix Yealink T4xU support in legacy UI
  • Add firmware management class
  • Clean up fax extension ORM class (#13593)
  • Add dependency and configuration for mail service
  • Reload kam_address entries when saving gateways
  • Warn about override templates (#20665)
  • Fix firmware globbing for Snom non-D devices
  • Harmonize softkeys in Snom phone menus
  • Optimize kamailio NAT handling
  • Warn if IPv6 is disabled during installation
  • Use unified check-sync mechanism for Snom DECT chains (#20666)
  • Update DTLS rekey interval
  • Guard nginx reload during installation
  • Also invalidate endpoint cache object when saving Gateway
  • Convert IPEI to IPUI when adding new Snom DECT handset
  • Allow NTP on new installations (#20211)
  • Update SIP account creation logic to use correct encyption method
  • Fix order of DB upgrade scripts
  • Add SDES configuration option to all SIP accounts
  • Fix phone parameter dropdown for Snom PA1+ (#20536)
  • Fix ringtone preview for devices (#20539)
  • Invalidate device cache on database changes
  • Disable redis persistence
  • Improve rtpengine's encryption method handling (#20492)
  • Disable TOPOS for internal SIP packets
  • Add holiday 'Reformationstag' for NDS, HB, HH and SH (#13969)
  • Send app hangup notifications only if the call has not been connected
  • Fix CSeq incrementation for INVITEs
  • Add MQTT connection class
  • Prevent warnings during message routing
  • Improve alias validation
  • Fix handling of empty remote names in call journals
  • Invalidate sorcery cache objects when logging in/out via CMM
  • Reintroduce Gigaset N720 support
  • Change caller display name on N510
  • Adapt softkeys in visual voicemail menu to global softkey policy (#18470)
  • Invalidate sorcery cache objects when logging in/out or when saving gateways
  • Fix Yealink features phone menu
  • Improve SIP trunk INVITE handling
  • Add advertise address to network interface ORM class
  • Fix login problems for users with several mailboxes
  • Add CDR entry ORM class
  • Reintroduce Gigaset N510 support
  • Set corrent caller ID for new devices
  • Improve database exception handling in Snom provisioning files
  • Switch view algorithm of ps_endpoints and ps_aors from MERGE to TEMPTABLE
  • Prevent trailing spaces in rewrite rules
  • Improve PJSIP endpoint lookup performance
  • Enable sorcery caching for Asterisk realtime objects
  • Set default kamailio debug level to 1
  • Remove legacy JWT handling
  • Increase PHP worker count and connection limit
  • Enable NAPTR and SRV lookups as well as failover and SRV loadbalancing
  • Update manifest on package update
  • Add wrapper for kamcmd for all kamailio instances
  • Relax search for Snom firmware files
  • Enable server-managed CF for Snom phones (#19288)
  • Introduce group tags (#19766)
  • Explicitly set open file count limit for Kamailio
  • Fix app hangup notifications
  • Improve invite filtering for trusted IPs
  • Use redis in-memory-storage for TOPOS (instead of MySQL)
  • Load all format interpreters and format attribute interfaces
  • Add additional information to output of ucware-health
  • Determine reg_timer_interval from the expire setting of all gateways
  • Update device codecs order during provisioning for easier negotiation
  • Fix provisioning of new Yealink phones
  • Allow call journal entry updates with external caller IDs

Build date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:13:30 +0100

UCware Clients

Changes since version 6.0.9:

Version 6.1.3

  • Temporarily disable slot calling method „ask every time“

Build date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:47:26 +0100

Version 6.1.2

  • Fix saving of CFP schedule when changing time
  • Play sounds without media controls (#18427)
  • Add timers value to gateways

Build date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 10:56:42 +0100

Version 6.1.1

  • Fix playing of audio notification for pickable calls (#23067)

Build date: Tue, 05 Dec 2023 16:48:10 +0100

Version 6.1.0

  • Fix validation of pre-existing callforward targets (#22905)
  • Allow starting of the client without WebRTC
  • Update ringtone handling
  • Add event handling for slots
  • Add event handling for users
  • Include id property of extensions
  • Add translations for device license count warnings
  • Add routing from Snom handset to device (#20743)
  • Cancel WebRTC banner on slot logout
  • Fix editing of extensions in adminclient
  • Add Eventsocket to Adminclient
  • Prevent unnecessary +1 on pickable call
  • Improve handling of video funtionality
  • Add event handling for extensions
  • Add support for dialling and DTMF with Yealink WH66 (#21319)
  • Change slot display with name and custom icon (#22567)
  • Fix validation of numeric kvstore entries
  • Fix audio-player UI
  • Add missed calls notification settings to user settings
  • Ask callnotes on picked queue calls (#22001)
  • Remove /system/hosts/ from AC
  • Add translation for DTMF softkey
  • Fix contact-info button alignment
  • Prepare services component to support more services
  • Add dbgsym packages for angular projects
  • Unregister gracefully when closing the webclient
  • Enable muting of microphone at any point in the call (#20056)
  • Add support for advertised address to network interfaces
  • Check permissions before offering impersonation (#20251)
  • Add keyboard interaction to DTMF menu (#20235)
  • Fix sorting errors for numerical selectors in several tables (#20212)
  • Fix IVR pristine/dirty checks (#20481)
  • Add new CDR GUI to Admin-Client (#19913)
  • Add button for manual WS reconnect (#20271)
  • Add filtering of groups by tag (#19768)
  • Improve contact rendering performance
  • Change login UI for all clients (#19587)
  • Fix pristine/dirty state of queue call notes (#20529)
  • Change Transport WS default port to 8088 (#20577)
  • Fix group type filtering (#20365)
  • Add instructions to app slot (#20584)
  • Add routing from user to callforward profiles (#19601)
  • Change several UIs to behave like group permissions UI (#19763, #19608)
  • Log sip registration state
  • Change name resolution of calls and calllog (#19293)
  • Add SVG for Snom D140 and D150 (#20752)
  • Only show app registration qrcode when license is assigned (#20270)
  • Add firmware GUI to Adminclient
  • Fix creation of global callforward profiles
  • Display calls that were completed elsewhere (#19495)
  • Fix locking of slot attributes (#20604)
  • Add settings and download buttons to login UI for electron client
  • Display specific error when logging in without license (#19959)
  • Add package update widget (#20126)
  • Add validation of callforward target numbers by pattern
  • Dynamic ringtones for WebRTC (#11386)
  • Add backlight attributes to slots (#20779, #20780)
  • Fix dirty state for global callforward profile active toggle (#20882)
  • Rename queue member timeout to ring cycle
  • Fix User Creation Bugs (#20726, #20727)
  • Add SRV lookups to Gatways (#20984)
  • Use host from transport profile for app QR codes
  • Add DND with expiry (#21047)
  • Fix contact state display when only receiving dnd events
  • Fix text color on some SVGs in dark mode
  • Add Routing Testing to Outbound Routes
  • Add handling of target regex for callforward profiles
  • Add routing for various mat-chips (#19600)
  • Fix network interface availability on +-button (#20477)
  • Automatically choose controllable device (#17921)
  • Fix updating of contacts
  • Set softkey as inherited when super key is locked (#21022)
  • Honor clip/clir permissions on slots (#20155)
  • Always display number attribute names in contact search (#20101)
  • Fix missing lock slider for app slots
  • Fix date parameter for routing test (#21821)
  • Fix parsing of manual date inputs (#20748)
  • Cleanup contact numbers on save (#21248)
  • Fix updating pickupGroup members (#19795)
  • Update Group Permissions after deletion (#20293)

Build date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 10:01:35 +0100

Native UCware Clients

Changes since version 6.0.5:

Version 6.1.0

  • Remove obsolete gconf dependencies
  • Update stored URL on permanent redirection (#20589)
  • Update Electron to 27.1.0
  • Fix error when migrating no longer existing settings
  • Run ClamAV before assembling the installers package
  • Match cert exceptions by hostname only, not port (#19952)
  • Fix restoration of instances from tray (#20215)
  • Add context menu to cut, copy and paste (#20781)

Build date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:21:35 +0100

UCware API

Changes since version 6.0.5:

Version 6.1.1

  • Update admin/user API doc (#21251)
  • Add timer configuration to admin/gateway API endpoint
  • Prevent double assignment of device extensions (#21383)

Build date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 10:54:17 +0100

Version 6.1.0

  • Update user/mobile API endpoint documentation
  • Fix creation of fax extensions with empty headers
  • Introduce Cisco & Unify device count warnings
  • Validate permissions before assignment (#18922)
  • Fix handling of optional slot attributes
  • Amend slot API documentation
  • Replace all remaining -32xxx error codes with -10xxx error codes
  • Add missed call notification settings to user/user API endpoint
  • Add more services to sysctl API
  • Add group tag manipulation to admin/groups API endpoint (#19767)
  • Trigger manifest update on package update
  • Add new admin/cdr API endpoint
  • Add advertise address to admin/networkinterface API endpoint
  • Update admin/gateway API documentation
  • Update admin/cdr API endpoint documentation
  • Add SDES device parameter to admin/device API endpoint
  • Improve duplicate device handling in admin/device API endpoint
  • Fix outbound route testing for targets without a matching route
  • Add admin/firmware API endpoint
  • Add backlight attributes to slots (#20778)
  • Add CF target validation support to user/callforwardprofile API endpoint
  • Add permission retrieval to user/slot API endpoint
  • Add SRV lookup toggle to gateways
  • Add DND expiry information to user/user API endpoint (#21042)
  • Add CF hints retrieval to client/configuration API endpoint
  • Add single group retrieval to admin/pickupgroup API endpoint
  • Update admin/callforwardprofile API endpoint documentation
  • Adapt user/calljournal endpoint to ODBC-Voicemail changes
  • Add version to API path (#21871)

Build date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:56:42 +0100

UCware Auth-Framework

Changes since version 6.0.0:

Version 6.1.0

  • Add error logging to auth module
  • Update auth handler to support new group types

Build date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:18:21 +0100

UCware Daemon

Changes since version 6.0.5:

Version 6.1.2

  • Send CFP info to devices without slot (#23124)
  • Fix device session language selection

Build date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 17:09:08 +0100

Version 6.1.1

  • Connect to AMI on instead of

Build date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 10:58:17 +0100

Version 6.1.0

  • Add support for Yealink CP965
  • Send bridging information for queue pickup
  • Use transport hostname for uaCSTA packets
  • Prevent pickup notifications for speed keys
  • Update AMI eventhandler for bridging events
  • Update queue pause key handling
  • Fix Yealink device reloads
  • Skip generation of extension state events for device changes
  • Modify device controller to longer handle client sessions
  • Always show CF status in device display queues (#19019)
  • Clean up config reader
  • Add Snom D86x support
  • Update URL path to Yealink DND script

Build date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:51:10 +0100


Changes since version 1:16.30.0-ucware3:

Version 1:20.2.0+~cs6.13.40431413-ucware4

  • Revert video keepalive

Build date: Fri, 24 Nov 2023 15:42:12 +0100

Version 1:20.2.0+~cs6.13.40431413-ucware3

  • Run ucware-reconfigure on systemd unit (re)start

Build date: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 11:14:40 +0100

Version 1:20.2.0+~cs6.13.40431413-ucware2

  • Enable OPUS open source codec
  • Disable unused channel drivers

Build date: Thu, 08 Jun 2023 13:45:47 +0200

Version 1:20.2.0+~cs6.13.40431413-ucware1

  • Update to Asterisk 20
  • Trigger manifest update on package update

Build date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 15:18:58 +0200

UCware Services

Changes since version 6.0.5:

Version 6.1.2

  • Move billing messages to own topic (#23718)

Build date: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:56:26 +0100

Version 6.1.1

  • Fix missed call mail filtering

Build date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 10:57:27 +0100

Version 6.1.0

  • Properly remove MQTT topics of deleted extensions
  • Implement daily summary mail of missed calls
  • Add single missed call mail
  • Introduce heartbeat service
  • Add Optional type hints to make code completion lookups work.
  • Add mail service
  • Send 2 heartbeats before considering an app offline
  • Fix shellcheck complaints
  • Set mobile slot to Unavailable if no extension is assigned
  • Add DND expiry timer (#21043)
  • Add eventrouter service with user authentication (#15245)
  • Add extension, user and slot events to admin eventrouter
  • Add CUD ORM events to admin eventrouter
  • Fix extensionstatus edge cases for nonphysical slots

Build date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:27:18 +0100

Release 6.0

Anmerkungen zum Release

UCware 6.0 bringt als Major Release einige konzeptuelle Änderungen gegenüber vorhergehenden Versionen mit. Aus Administrationssicht ist vor allem die Möglichkeit hervorzuheben, UCC-Clients und Telefone direkt – ohne VPN – über das Internet anzubinden.

Im Folgenden werden die neuen Konzepte und Komponenten kurz vorgestellt.

Um Probleme nach der Aktualisierung auf UCware 6.0 zu vermeiden, lesen Sie vorab unsere Migrationshinweise. Setzen Sie die enthaltenen Anweisungen vollständig um.

Neue Komponenten

Alle ein- und ausgehenden VoIP-Verbindungen (SIP(S), WebRTC, (S)RTP) werden von Kamailio und rtpengine gehandhabt. Im Zuge einer Aktualisierung werden diese Komponenten automatisch installiert und mit einer initialen Konfiguration versehen. Da auf einer UCware 5.x nicht immer alle jetzt notwendigen Konfigurationsdaten zur Verfügung stehen, kommen hierbei Heuristiken zum Einsatz und eine manuelle Überprüfung der Konfiguration ist zwingend notwendig. Details zum Vorgehen finden Sie in unseren Migrationshinweisen.

Außerdem ändert sich durch diese Umstellung der Standard-WebRTC-Port auf 8088, da solche Verbindungen jetzt nicht mehr vom nginx, sondern der jeweiligen Kamailio-Instanz angenommen werden.

Zusätzlich kommt zur einfacheren Absicherung der UCware firewalld zum Einsatz. Bei der Aktualisierung werden Standardregeln angelegt, auch hier ist eine manuelle Überprüfung zwingend notwendig.

Als weitere Sicherheitsmaßnahme werden die Protokolldateien von nginx und Kamailio von fail2ban überwacht. Irreguläre Anfragen führen so zu einer Sperre auf Netzwerkebene.

Netzwerk-Schnittstellen & Verbindungsprofile

Pro verwalteter Netzwerk-Schnittstelle konfiguriert die UCware eine Kamailio-Instanz. Um die sichere Nutzung auch aus externen Netzen zu ermöglichen, lassen sich die Provisionierungs-, SIP- und RTP-Parameter, die von den Endgeräten und SIP-Trunks verwendet werden, in Verbindungsprofilen pro Netzwerk-Schnittstelle konfigurieren. Die Verbindungsprofile bestimmen, welche Anfragen der jeweilige Kamailio akzeptiert.

Mit der Zuweisung eines Verbindungsprofils zu einem Endgerät werden die dort konfigurierten Parameter automatisch übernommen.

Mit dieser Umstellung entfällt die Notwendigkeit, die Sprachverschlüsselung für SIPS-gesicherte Verbindungen manuell zu konfigurieren. Für alle verschlüsselten Verbindungen ist SRTP jetzt Pflicht und wird automatisch aktiviert. Der bisherige Weg, diese Konfiguration über den Parameter device_media_encryption zu setzen, wird nicht mehr unterstützt.

Details zur Konfiguration finden Sie im Administrationshandbuch.

Umbenennung von Mobil-Slots

In Vorbereitung auf die neue UCware-App und um die möglichen Einsatzzwecke besser darzustellen, wurde der Slot-Typ Mobil in Externes Ziel umbenannt. Die Funktionsweise hat sich nicht geändert.


Der neue Management-Client ermöglicht die statistische Auswertung von Warteschlangenanrufen und Anrufnotizen. Außerdem sind die Funktionen zur Warteschlangenverwaltung für Nicht-Administratoren aus dem UCC-Client jetzt hier zu finden. Eine genaue Übersicht über die einzelnen Funktionen des Clients findet sich im Handbuch.

Änderungen am Admin-Client

Im Admin-Client wurden die Detailseiten für die verschiedenen Rufumleitungen komplett überarbeitet. Außerdem gibt es neue Seiten für Netzwerk-Schnittstellen und Systemdienste. Zusätzlich wurde das Design von Übersichtsseiten erneuert, um die möglichen Interaktionen mit Einträgen deutlicher hervorzuheben.

Änderungen am UCC-Client

Das Bedienkonzept des UCC-Clients bleibt grundsätzlich erhalten. Mit UCware 6.0 stehen einige neue Funktionen zur Verfügung, die im Handbuch detailliert beschrieben sind.

Abwurfschaltung pro Durchwahl

Einzelne Durchwahlen können jetzt mit einem Schalter in der Rufnummernkonfiguration von einer eingerichteten Abwurfschaltung ausgeschlossen werden.

Neue Widgets

Auf der Hauptseite des UCC-Clients stehen drei neue Widgets zur Verfügung:

  • Ausgehende Rufnummern: Ermöglicht den schnellen Zugriff auf die CLIP-Konfiguration aller aktiven Slots.
  • Tastenfeld: Ermöglicht das Wählen mit der Maus oder per Touch.
  • Warteschlangen-Anrufe: Ermöglicht das gezielte Heranholen einzelner Anrufe aus einer Warteschlange.


Zusätzlich zu den bisher vorhandenen globalen Tastaturkürzeln können jetzt sowohl im Browser als auch im nativen UCC-Client lokale Tastaturkürzel festgelegt werden. Dazu wurde auch die entsprechende Detailseite im UCC-Client überarbeitet.

Neuer Tastentyp auf Tischtelefonen

Auf den Tischtelefonen kann jetzt zusätzlich eine DTMF-Folge als feste Taste belegt werden.

UCware Server

Changes since version 5.4.4:

Version 6.0.10

  • Two-Way-Call for mobile app (#21819)
  • Improve handling of slot extension assignment operations
  • Add support for new Snom D800 Series phones
  • Fix ucware-health status for heartbeat service
  • Add support for newer Snom M900 firmware

Build date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 09:04:34 +0200

Version 6.0.9

  • Improve handling of NAT-ed connections
  • Fix hangup notifications for the app (#20744)
  • Improve handling of early UPDATE requests
  • Remove superfluous restart prompt during update
  • Move keepalive handling to Kamailio
  • Set default RTP timeout to 600 seconds

Build date: Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:33:05 +0200

Version 6.0.8

  • Also invalidate endpoint cache object when saving Gateway
  • Use archived classes for migration scripts
  • Guard nginx reload during installation
  • Update DTLS rekey interval
  • Use CheckSync mechanism of Device class to checksync Snom DECT chains (#20666)
  • Warn if IPv6 is disabled during installation

Build date: Tue, 04 Jul 2023 15:44:35 +0200

Version 6.0.7

  • Update SIP account creation logic to use correct encyption method
  • Prompt for kamailio restart after update
  • Remove superfluous DB update file
  • Allow SIP MESSAGE dialogs between WebRTC clients
  • Prevent warnings during message routing
  • Fix CSeq incrementation for INVITEs
  • Improve SIP trunk INVITE handling
  • Send app hangup notifications only if the call has not been connected
  • Change caller display content on N510.
  • Feature: reintroduce Gigaset N720 support
  • Disable TOPOS for internal SIP packets
  • Add advertise address to network interface ORM class
  • Improve rtpengine's encryption method handling (#20492)
  • Disable redis persistence
  • Invalidate device cache on database changes
  • Fix ringtone preview for devices (#20539)
  • Fix phone parameter dropdown for Snom PA1+ (#20536)
  • Add SDES configuration option to all SIP accounts

Build date: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 10:47:17 +0200

Version 6.0.6

  • Prevent cached Caller IDs being displayed after CMM login/logout
  • Fix handling of empty remote names in call journals

Build date: Fri, 09 Jun 2023 15:36:23 +0200

Version 6.0.5

  • Fix login problems for users with several mailboxes
  • Fix feature menu on Yealink phones
  • Invalidate cache objects on backend change
  • Adapt softkeys in visual voicemail menu to global softkey policy (#18470)

Build date: Wed, 31 May 2023 13:36:48 +0200

Version 6.0.4

  • Re-introduce Gigaset N510 provisioning support
  • Initial Openstage provisioning support (#19306)
  • Update device codecs order during provisioning for easier negotiation
  • Improve invite filtering for trusted IPs
  • Fix app hangup notifications
  • Explicitly set open file count limit for Kamailio
  • Use redis in-memory-storage for TOPOS (instead of MySQL)
  • Relax search for Snom firmware files
  • Include logs from journalctl in debug-tarball
  • Add wrappers for kamcmd to avoid having to specifiy the socket
  • Enable NAPTR and SRV lookups as well as failover and SRV loadbalancing
  • Increase PHP worker count and connection limit
  • Remove legacy JWT handling
  • Enable sorcery caching for Asterisk realtime objects
  • Improve PJSIP endpoint lookup performance
  • Increase thread pool size of stasis module
  • Improve database exception handling in Snom provisioning files

Build date: Mon, 22 May 2023 17:11:40 +0200

Version 6.0.3

  • Include HEP capturing configuration for Kamailio
  • Update push notification configuration
  • Enable rtpengine CLI port for rtpengine-ctl tool
  • Allow call journal entry updates with external caller IDs
  • Fix provisioning of new Yealink phones
  • Add support for fail2ban management

Build date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 14:42:23 +0200

Version 6.0.2

  • Guard initial firewall configuration
  • Honor match format configuration in Kamailio address cache
  • Introduce local port matching for gateways
  • Introduce SDES configuration option for gateways
  • Fix outbound routing gateway fallback

Build date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 08:37:25 +0200

Version 6.0.1

  • Improve auth proxy update procedure

Build date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 11:46:21 +0200

Version 6.0.0

  • Update Gigaset Nx70 provisioning to use the new transport concept
  • Automatically retry failed trunk registrations
  • Include caller name in calljournal entries
  • Improve handling of non-UDP IP trunks
  • Remove outgoing trunk identifier from SIP header before relaying
  • Disable special treatment of „user=phone“ URIs
  • Use phonebook classes for faster vanity search
  • Fix queuemember pausing
  • Pass X-Reason headers from auth to clients
  • Allow routing of calls from non-registered, but valid and authenticated accounts
  • Include list of connected phones (MAC/IPEI) in SIP captures
  • Move fax share check to service (#18115)
  • Remove remnants of no longer supported Gigaset deskphones
  • Enable pierce-nat on incoming calls
  • Fix handling of expires contact tags
  • Move user and admin API to different configuration files
  • Fix MAC handling for server-side quicklookup
  • Enable keepalive for TCP connections
  • Introduce custom template directory
  • Improve DECT chain handling in logout-all script
  • Fix nginx configuration for fresh installs
  • Add fail2ban jail for failed SIP authentication
  • Add port to slot serialization
  • Re-enable send_pai for all non-gateway endpoints
  • Automate kamailio instance handling
  • Increase qualify timeout to 10 seconds
  • Remove residual bind configuration files
  • Add logging to core classes
  • Close DB connection in destructor
  • Add STUN/TURN firewalld service definitions
  • Enable TCP keepalive for IPv4 HTTPS connections
  • Allow journalctl access for www-data user
  • Leave speed key handling to devices
  • Prevent empty aliases for kamailio configs
  • Fix database error reporting in User class
  • Clean up Snom software updates
  • Use long parameter for net command
  • Refactor user creation for more reliability
  • Enable PJSIP 'webrtc' option on app-slot endpoints
  • Discard unsolicited SIP packets earlier
  • Ensure header integrity for forwarded SIP packets
  • Generate auth_proxy values for gateways
  • Allow deactivation of firewalld
  • Only update stored firmware version if necessary
  • Create call journal entries for picked queue calls
  • Introduce voicemail notification mail templates
  • Collect statistics for queues with call notes enabled (#18166)
  • Introduce new queue log event „REDIRECT“
  • Enable app notification push
  • Improve queuemember ID parsing for queue log import
  • Allow M/A configuration per extension (#19173)
  • Improve all-day route handling
  • Add 'Remove USB mass storage' to Snom phone menu (#19618)
  • Set statistics timezone to local timezone instead of UTC
  • Move permission list to database (#17619)
  • Clear groupmember cache when deleting groups
  • Introduce Snom PA1+ support (#18131)
  • Move DEFAULT_CODECS_WEBRTC into namespace 'provisioning'
  • Add new configuration option UCCC_SEARCH_RESULTS (#19277)
  • Introduce new configuration option DP_DIALTIMEOUT_MA (#19266)
  • Remove superfluous DB upgrade file
  • Add CLI tool ucware-test-ldap to test LDAP auth backends
  • Use NAME_FORMAT in Snom DECT global phonebook
  • Improve Snom DECT handset ID calculation
  • Introduce DTMF key for Snom and Yealink phones
  • Increase maximum upload size for PHP 7.4
  • Set default codecs when creating new gateway
  • Guard database updates against multiple executions
  • Update ucware-health ouput to include kamailio versions
  • Improve RTP negotiation for WebRTC calls
  • Fix loading of default WebRTC codecs
  • Fix queue ringtones
  • Improve transport deletion error message (#19312)
  • Keep MySQL bin logs for one day only
  • Include firewalld and fail2ban in ucware-health
  • Introduce kamailio as SBC

Build date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 11:37:32 +0200

UCware Clients

Changes since version 5.4.4:

Version 6.0.9

  • Add settings for Two-Way-Call
  • Add SVGs for Snom D86x (#21311)

Build date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 09:10:19 +0200

Version 6.0.7

  • Fix switchboard startup
  • Fix editing pager members (#20741)
  • Cleanup and restructure settings dialog
  • Overwrite registration on banner dismiss (#20819)
  • Show banner when WebRTC connection fails (#20820)

Build date: Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:32:02 +0200

Version 6.0.6

  • Add notification options for pickable calls (#20791)

Build date: Mon, 31 Jul 2023 13:45:46 +0200

Version 6.0.5

  • Fix hanging when loading extended CFPs (#20369)
  • Reword „already in use“ warning
  • Update gateway RTP Keepalive input to use numbers (#20475)
  • Improve display of chart legends (#20090, #20091, #20093)
  • Fix export bugs in Management Client (#20094, #20085)
  • Remove all non-diallable chars from contact numbers before dialing (#20053, #10764)
  • Fix translation in fax overview (#20445)
  • Add support for advertised address to network interfaces

Build date: Wed, 21 Jun 2023 14:39:35 +0200

Version 6.0.4

  • Add widget for pickable calls (#20163)
  • Update audio device selection translations (#20250)

Build date: Wed, 31 May 2023 13:39:25 +0200

Version 6.0.3

  • Log message when websocket timeout occurs
  • Increase timeout for websocket connections

Build date: Mon, 22 May 2023 11:56:14 +0200

Version 6.0.2

  • Add missing translations for hotkey tab
  • Add registration QR code for app slots (#19580)
  • Add interface to control fail2ban

Build date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 14:44:42 +0200

Version 6.0.1

  • Add support for gateway local port matching
  • Add manager-assistant configuration to extensions (#19410)
  • Add SDES configuration toggle to gateway editor
  • Remove deprecated shutdown menu entry

Build date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 09:11:29 +0200

Version 6.0.0

  • Fix routing from extensions to users (#19794)
  • Add transport dropdown to gigaset integrator
  • Use name from PAI if no contact is available
  • Fix device-selector model column (#19764)
  • Only offer video when appropriate (#17046)
  • Change password from title bar (#13996)
  • Adapt transport dropdown in Snom DECT chain editor
  • Fix crash in older Electron clients after clearing saved hotkeys
  • Decrease queue title font size in queue call widget
  • Handle and display auth reason headers
  • Add manager-assistant toggle to number-matrix (#19411)
  • Restructure holiday handling code
  • Change list selector UI design (#19663)
  • Animate provision buttons on DECT to provide feedback
  • Change translations for transport wordings (#19750)
  • Remove /system/hosts/ from AC
  • Improve handling of interfaces without IP
  • Connect WebRTC socket to port given in slot (#19509)
  • Add services management (#19573)
  • Adapt door cam URL translations
  • Add numpad (#18706)
  • Add CLIP-Widget (#18706)
  • Prevent leaving the client and changing slot on active call (#18253 #18679)
  • Fix contact sorting concerning prefixes (#19566)
  • Fix current-call UI (#19010)
  • Add routing from slot.deviceId to device (#19174)
  • Add snom dect chain validator (#18919)
  • Use the administrative defaults when resetting the layout (#19393)
  • Fix contact search for searches including special characters (#19471)
  • Prevent error when aborting outgoing calls
  • Cleanup typed numbers before looking for '+' (#19457)
  • Fix replaying of non-looped sounds (#19431)
  • Fix user table sorting (#19083)
  • Add translations for xml softkeys (#19539)
  • Remove fields in transport editor (#19347)
  • Change routing after creating an entity (#17636)
  • Detect desktop dark theme settings (#10227)
  • Also trigger gerrit rebuild on trivial rebase
  • Get contact search result count from api (#19278)
  • Add initial support for App slots
  • Unifiy safe buttons and show progress
  • Add timepicker for inbound-routes + fixes (#18951)
  • Add connection between gigaset-handset & device (#15628)
  • Clear input after every dialing method (#18802)
  • Add QueueCallWidget to Webclient (#18449, #15600)
  • Mute other ringing calls on establishing a call
  • Introduce Management Client
  • Add hotkeys to client (#18954, #18962)
  • Fix handling of gateway API updates

Build date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 11:45:37 +0200

Native UCware Clients

Changes since version 6.0.1:

Version 6.0.5

  • Update Electron to 26.2.4

Build date: Thu, 05 Oct 2023 11:44:10 +0200

Version 6.0.2

  • Fix restoration of instances from tray (#20215)

Build date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 14:50:58 +0200

Version 6.0.1

  • Improve certificate exception handling (#19952)

Build date: Tue, 23 May 2023 09:39:27 +0200

Version 6.0.0

  • Add MSI packaging (#9927)
  • Automatically retry on online status change on error page (#17891)
  • Only start searching via bonjour if necessary (#17892)
  • Fix maximized state on restore on windows (#18536)
  • Disable media keys for calls and ringtones
  • Fix usage of unpacked assets (#18856)
  • Copy udev rules in deb install (#9812)
  • Add building as MSI (#9927)
  • Update Electron to 23.1.2
  • Notarize MacOS release builds (#19421)
  • Enable zooming via mouse wheel (#19256)
  • Show hint when FIDO token is requested (#18988)
  • Move hotkey handling to webclient

Build date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 11:47:42 +0200

UCware API

Changes since version 5.4.2:

Version 6.0.5

  • Two-Way-Call for mobile app (#21820)

Build date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 09:06:28 +0200

Version 6.0.4

  • Add advertise address to admin/networkinterface API endpoint
  • Add SDES device parameter to admin/device API endpoint
  • Improve duplicate device handling in admin/device API endpoint

Build date: Wed, 21 Jun 2023 14:46:16 +0200

Version 6.0.3

  • Add redis-server to sysctl API

Build date: Mon, 22 May 2023 13:08:21 +0200

Version 6.0.2

  • Add onboarding token retrieval to user/mobile API endpoint
  • Add fail2ban management to admin/sysctl API endpoint

Build date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 14:43:26 +0200

Version 6.0.1

  • Add support for gateway SDES configuration
  • Prevent multiple extension assignment to queues (#19903)

Build date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 08:39:04 +0200

Version 6.0.0

  • Update admin/gigaset API endpoint to support transport configuration
  • Allow nginx management via admin/sysctl API endpoint
  • Introduce admin/sysctl API endpoint
  • Fix an issue where numeric keys were returned as Number instead of String (#19381)
  • Add search result count to client/configuration API endpoint (#19276)
  • Prevent changing a slot's device type (#14514)
  • Add slot.loginDevice and slot.getAll
  • Update extension API endpoints to support M/A configuration (#19409)
  • Add user/statistics API endpoint (#18169)
  • Update admin/group API endpoint for new permission storage (#17619)

Build date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 11:41:55 +0200

UCware Auth-Framework

Changes since version 5.4.0:

Version 6.0.0

  • Add X-Reason headers to requests with missing permissions
  • Add auth handler that checks desk phone's MAC addresses (#15447)
  • Fix voicemail authentication with JWTs

Build date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 11:48:53 +0200

UCware Daemon

Changes since version 5.4.1:

Version 6.0.5

  • Add Snom D86x support

Build date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 09:44:17 +0200

Version 6.0.4

  • Prevent sofia session leaks in Snom device control interface

Build date: Wed, 21 Jun 2023 14:46:54 +0200

Version 6.0.3

  • Fix Sofia callbacks (#20377)

Build date: Thu, 08 Jun 2023 14:02:54 +0200

Version 6.0.2

  • Send detailed pickup events to clients (#19012)
  • Re-use sofia sessions for Yealink notifications
  • Remove deprecated logging methods

Build date: Wed, 31 May 2023 13:38:12 +0200

Version 6.0.1

  • Optimize JWT verification performance
  • Limit retransmissions
  • Use LuaJIT as runtime
  • Fix SIP contact header for uaCSTA invites

Build date: Mon, 22 May 2023 11:55:40 +0200

Version 6.0.0

  • Skip generation of extension state events for device changes
  • Update queue pause key handling
  • Fix Yealink device reloads
  • Use transport hostname for uaCSTA packets
  • Prevent pickup notifications for speed keys
  • Update AMI eventhandler for bridging events
  • Add Kamailio support

Build date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 11:50:00 +0200

UCware Services

Changes since version 5.4.3:

Version 6.0.5

  • Fix ini file format for AMI connections

Build date: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 11:23:50 +0200

Version 6.0.4

  • Send correct event for scheduled queue forward profile changes
  • Correct flags for device status events
  • Improve metadata lock handling
  • Prevent usage of uninitialized AMI connection objects
  • Update app status calculation logic

Build date: Fri, 11 Aug 2023 15:34:05 +0200

Version 6.0.2

  • Fix initial status calculation for new devices
  • Only send metrics in DEBUG mode

Build date: Wed, 31 May 2023 15:05:04 +0200

Version 6.0.1

  • Improve contact monitor error handling
  • Improve contact monitor performance

Build date: Mon, 22 May 2023 16:40:03 +0200

Version 6.0.0

  • Implement Office365 OAuth 2.0 authentication
  • Move fax share check to service (#18115)
  • Correctly handle AMI Action Failed exceptions
  • Add field count check to legacy CSV import
  • Fix typo in office365 URL in contactsync installer
  • Fix endpoint table access for contactmonitor
  • Improve extension/slot deletion
  • Add status calculation for app devices
  • Fix missing amievents entries in key-value-store
  • Fix UTF-8 encoding for fax mail notifications (#18820)
  • Process kamailio registration events

Build date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 11:51:59 +0200